Jenny had a friend helping her with the kids but the very second that I became to be in the picture, Andrea, moved out and abandoned the situation- another big fat red flag, that I should have appreciated.
As far as, Pudge, the Dachshund, Jen, who never had been educated about nor had a dog in the past, said that Pudge was just "marking". They continued to allow him to live in the apartment, as if he rented a room, same as the kids. In less than one year Pudge would be dead due to common everyday carelessness that went unrecognized and uncorrected, and was soon forgotten like loved ones in a convalescent home.
Despite published advice from Psychologists, Jen allowed Drew to replace the dog soon after. That dog was almost identical to Pudge- same colors and pattern only it was a beagle mix and proved to be a terrible idea- just as warned by the
Psychological Professionals.
Psychological Professionals.
Drew continued to go about his "development" playing on the x-box day and night, having his way with my laptop until he destroyed it with his entitlement to be careless and irresponsible, and unparented despite my many voiced concerns.
Siena was not much different, only her age and desire for attention made her much more accessible to provide guidance to as well as influence. She took to the outdoors as soon as I showed it to her. Siena learned almost everything she knows, from myself. She is a good shot with a bow, plays multiple instruments, draws very well, writes, reads books, studies multiple languages, knows how to prepare some forms of wildlife and livestock, build a fire, fish, hunt, some tracking, forage, ride a bike, tie her shoes, raise chickens, gardens etc... all because of the time I have spent with her.
No persons can be assembled to accumulate more time spent with her that would anywhere near mine.
No one has an amount of Care and Time Invested into this Child and her Environment more than I do. But she is just like her mother when it comes to instruction- resistant, omnipotent, argumentative, wasteful- an extreme and severe challenge to deal with no matter who you are or your authority.
And her mother refuses to correct her... Maybe fearimg the Child will leave and she will pay Steve child support.. Money and Control .
No one has an amount of Care and Time Invested into this Child and her Environment more than I do. But she is just like her mother when it comes to instruction- resistant, omnipotent, argumentative, wasteful- an extreme and severe challenge to deal with no matter who you are or your authority.
And her mother refuses to correct her... Maybe fearimg the Child will leave and she will pay Steve child support.. Money and Control .
It'd been hard but I continue my work with creating who she is becoming.
The first thing that she wanted to be was a marine biologist. Now she wants to be anything but female. She has become to believe that she isn't good enough and it hurts so bad to know how badly she is hurting. Her mother has seemingly erased her sense of pride for what she has become because of me, with respect to the emotion and sense of self that she has been exhibiting since I made, what seems to be, the mistake of asking Jenny if Seina has told her that she loves her, back in January of 2015- according to my journal when I shared that Siena had been coming to me, telling me she loves me, and giving me hugs. Jenny seems to have destroyed all of that. And that hurts beyond my capacity to illustrate my feelings enough for.
Since then Jen has stopped taking me to my appointments with professionals. My mouth has become infected four times- now for the fifth time. Even though she is my paid personal assistant and caregiver, she has abandoned me within my own home. She refuses to take me where I need to go or direct me to tend to my affairs- not to mention the avoidance of her own. And she has now gone back to her old ways of not answering the phone when it rings- avoiding any and all confrontations. She has been refusing to facilitate helping me to attend the programs or complete any of the requirements needed in order to get my drivers license back, which would enable me to tend to my own affairs related to my welfare. Although she has me driving Siena to school and running errands etc... mostly due to her laziness and Siena's lack of discipline, or the instruction needed to manage this child. Repeatedly, I tell her, "You wait for the bus. The bus does not wait for you." But Jen entertains the child's delinquency by changing her schools to meet her wants. School records, which I possess, support this statement 110%.
What do I have to do in order to do what is right? What price do I have to continue to pay, and for how long? Do I not deserve some right to this child after being her only parent for the past 8 years? But tomorrow I go to court and possibly prison or jail because the police had to charge me with something in order to have a reason to remove me from my own home, at Jenny' whim over her not wanting to discus why Siena was only grounded for one day without computer after pulling a knife on her mother over cleaning her room? Or why we made 72 thousand dollars for the past four years every year but have not set any money aside for an emergency even? Yet she comes to my hotel room to use me for sex, preying on my love for her? And services that she know my mind and desires, further manipulating me for her own needs.
Why can I not say that enough is enough entirely? The price I am willing to pay is indescribable and I drink myself to sleep over the torment of what is right and what actually is. I am dying for love.
It would be while staying at a crisis residentil home recovering from the next breakdown... I returned to an ever bigger destruction. It was as if it were deliberate.
Salvaging what efforts I had been preserving and considering the loses, I would not arrive at a clue that ended up revealing Another whole story of #corruption and greed.... And betrayl. But that wouldnt happen until ANOTHER 16 MONTHS- April 1 2017
zachery s polk. Thanks For Reading.
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