Thursday, March 17, 2022

Truth #americanmakeover #asshole101 course/Mad Zack Radio 911

 "The truth shall set you free," it's been written. And, truth is what all search for, in a world where all truth is all lies to be sorted, for where there is truth there is separation created by words wielding divisiveness. Divisiveness is a tool employed using words of truth to separate human understanding of what truth legal-ease....Tools of divisiveness used legally to create separations of truths with words as devices. The words are the device and the separation of truth from truth itself. The device  is the words of separation from truth using distraction as a weapon upon the people. The devices are the distractions in the disruptions of the human mind from seeing, hearing, understanding and knowing what the truth is, and separating truths from truth itself. The truth has been eliminated by the truths of divisiveness and separation from understanding. Therefore, the truth is no longer truth, it is a truthful device of separation. 

written January 1st 2022 5:03:35 am

Escaping The Despondent Sea is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and is receiving 5 star reviews on 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


 Let me drink deep on your beauty,

My surprise of my days,

My eyes drip with your sweetness,

Sometimes no breath to say,

The sugar drips  from my cheek and lips,

And I enjoy the taste,

To love you is pure heaven,

And there's not a drop to waste.

Walking with you hand in hand,

An arm around the hips,

In a dream together,

Hanging on every kiss.

Let me drink deep on your beauty

While there's so much I want to say,

But mostly only,

I Love You,

Forever and a day.

12/30/2021 6:38 pm

Escaping The Despondent Sea is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and is receiving 5 star reviews on 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

God Morning Saturday- 1 Mad Zack Radio

Escaping The Despondent Sea is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and is receiving 5 star reviews on 
Catch Zachery Polk on Facebook for Live videos and recordings of The Mad Zack Show!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Transcript of an experience as a medium- part 1


12/13/21, 3:49 PM

You sent

A.D. Justice. You are my Angel, appointed to me on Earth. You Are My Witness. Address. Xmas. My love for you is immeasurable. To you, I have always been Truth. Integrity. And You Fanned My Embers to become the Very Blaze that warms the hearts of all people. Thank You. I do not know If we will ever speak again- for I am Now in Great Danger. Do Not Worry. Stand Tall, Knowing your Worth.

You sent

I Love you.


A.D. Justice
Zach! Is everything ok?

You sent

Audio call
9:06 PM
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Yes and no. CPS took the baby. Peyton's dad took her. We are taking mom home tomorrow. After Julie and Jen go to the bank to transfer the financial disaster.


A.D. Justice
Missed audio call
9:07 PM

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Video chat
8 mins

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Video call
6:26 PM

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Ayla is in protective custody in the area where her 11 year old sister, Peyton live. Peyton is with her father, which is great if child's development is not imporatant. I wanted these two kids with us! BUYT noi one listens to the Wolf, only wasting words and time. I am taking a vow of silence, pretty much. If someone wants to pay me for my time and Intel, I will oblige. I am done with the world. There is no need for words, in a world where no one listens. There is no need for words, in a world of wasted speech. There is no need for words in love, when you love- there really is no need at all to speak. I am crying inside. My life is over here. I am only staying to see mom to her grave. I will speak at her funeral and reprimand all of her family. "I don't care" is what her sister just said to me, when I asked her why no one helped me three years ago when I announ ced to the entire family- that it was an emergency. Now, everyone around me wants to greatly harm me. The family is turning their boys loose on me. The guys on my block- 5 off hand, all wnat to beat me into a heap, if not kill me. I was just informed, little do tthye know, I'm a wild animal. I am ready, and have been ready for the past 10 months. They are scared to death of me, and I love it. I am about to be facing the possiblity of going to prison for manslaughter.... for one, because if i get accosted by anyone who approaches me without my expessed permission- I will do everything in my power ti render them motionless- if not dead. I have had a long hard life of severe abuse and training in violence. I am very, very deadly. ANd I can turn my adrenaline on a dime. I'm That Guy- and you're one of Finest Crewmemebers, as well as friends. Someday I may need to call on you. Soon, I am shedding myself from "the world" to go underground. Everyone is going to come after me now. I said on April 26th, that "I Will Light A Fire In The Hearts of ALL Men".... I am "The Pebble", and You, A. D. are one of the very first to be my first world "Ripple of Life" Thank you so much for sharing hearts together- although I know little about you- at least You got to ride this ride in #TheCarnivalofLife (one of my songs) If I never call on you, in my time of dire need, we Will Meet Again. I Love You. Captain- Mad Zack.

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Is that You, Alope- Dear? Please, do not be frightened by my intrusion. I have received the words. The bones have been recognized. The songs of My Heart ring Alive and True! The very Essence of the Word Is THE Abtsraction FROM #TheDisruption of #TheWordofMan! ...some 22,000 plus verses and more for the very lessons of Selflessness, Humility, Generosity, Care- Care for The Essence of Earth It's Self! The simple Truth is Revealed In My Words, still drying. My Book is My Testament! That will NEVER Be Reproofed! Ever! It Is The Answer! The Very Answer to End All War! World Peace, Harmony! Eutopia! Love! And You! You Were My Final Temptation! It was To You, that My Self Was To Prove Worthy!


A.D. Justice
Zach! Are you ok?!


A.D. Justice
Zach are you home yet?

You sent

Now he has covid and not cooperating. Not sure when he will be oit


I've tried to call him and left a message
A.D. Justice
With my name and number

You sent

I'll let him know. Dial operator and ask for him with the 295 code. It sometimes takes several tries


A.D. Justice
Thanks Julie. Please let me know if I can do anything

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A.D. Justice
I know this has to be hard on you both

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A.D. Justice
I tried to call again. Can you let zach know I tried calling if you speak to him


A.D. Justice
Happy new years Zach

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just got home from a 33 day stay at Ohio Hospital fopr psychiatrics. Wri just got home from a 33 day stay at Ohio Hospital fopr psychiatrics.


Welcome home love ❤
A.D. Justice
Just got off work. Sorry I missed the shows I'm replying them


A.D. Justice
Can you make me admin of the mad zach group?

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You sent

God Never Makes Mistakes. God Is Fair and Just. Naughty is, as Naughty does- Once spoke, "let them eat cake."2:50 The Poor Are Rich and Starving, and Pack-rats without shame, Suffering goes on all around, While The Idol Idle with World's Words plays a game apprised with the imaginary and should be put to shame. Everyone knows Whom they are- there is No Need For Names. With Names brings two, and sometimes 3- Self Importing is the Game where Winners Lose and Losers win when All can be the Same. 2:56 am No, God Never Makes Mistakes, and All Ways Makes Amends. Working Hard Awards FREE TIME- Too Much Freedom is to blame. Freedom's Never free and today's inflated stays. He FREED THE Spirits Granting New life Always and always stays the Same. 12/15/2021 9:41/2 [second leaf] 9:46 Recruiting Service Sign! We are watching "It's A Wonderful Life" (Lucky Strikes the to Set the(ditto) Alcoda Pan ablaze [France flashes] "Harry Bailey tops them all..." 9:47 "4 F on account of his ear.." This is the War to END ALL Wars! 10:00 am Bedford falls time- "what do you mean it's going to Snow" "Welcome Home! (media) "extra extra" "Congarats 7X" [Chip Coffee 9:49] Bank examiner (turned leaf) Blown off by bank- {'bad attitude'} {try to use this for my thoughts} 3:12 am {!!!He is mad at my Discovery} Banks? 9:50 pm [12/15] 3:14 AM "December 24th...8000" {Too much pride causes forgetfulness}3:15 Never Boast 9:51PM "oh Shucks" @9:51 "Bailey?" Potter is irritated we can always watch a Movie with God. He's with me now. 9:52 "George" {Hospitality is key, keep conversations Short when Busy or Concerned. 9:53PM Generosity- is a Loan, you always yet a Job! 9:53 Gratitude- Merry X-Mas Honesty Communication 9:54 Accounting, Exam History for truth. Never quit the Search- desperation is the Fuel 955 Perseverence Passion Must Not Be Neglected. Weep when there is sorrow! to free the pain for your Heart 9:56 For All Volcanoes Will Find a crack before they fall apart. Commercials ending is Beginning Mental Health is Rest (ad for Melatonin- circled). Nature made Branding (song plays "I've got You" Walmart is Commanded Aveeno * Dogs! Macy's is Called to Action! (everyone will want to be a dog 9:58) VISION! tv ads cont playing "Kills Bacteria 9:59 Same Day Pick up " gift wrapping the gift {lol} (next leaf) And At 10:00 pm Sharp He Stated, "THE GIFT IS THIS" And this is That- Although You are weak- you are THE MOST Strength Always Triumphant to the Challenge Correcting Every wrong 10:01 pallendrome Silence Devices and to show that I am fair and Balanced only 3 Shall BE EVER Used Satellites will be your Naught Let them NOT BE CONFUSED! 10:03 PM You ARE NOW MY SCRIBE MY SCRIBE IS YOU Correcting all NEEDED Creating the Per (supimp W RT0 ct HUER 10:04 And At this very end of the pen stroke, A bell rings- "Every time,," (turn leaf) This IS GREEN BOOK But GREEN BOOK is NOT Green, Tatters yet it still Remaining's Importance to be seen 10:06 The Song of Zackery 10:07 This is IT! This is the Book 100!8 OH My GOODNESS My Surprise! This is this is the Book //His// To Reset Truth and Ban ish EVERY LIE 1009 TH END //signed by me// So Your Ship Has SOME MEN! The Ship Has Come In The Ship Has Come The Fleet, it Has arrived And Every angel washes all When with teardrops from their eyes 3:48 am (turn leaf) Chamber/Commerce 10:15 Bring to Churches take Money to Library for Book [Give (them there's want] "Give them Theirs" Rusty is what Rusty Does and Rest it always comes when man and metal stored up to long Tame what wild once was 1018 Taming Beard and Importing Taming EVERY Shrew 1019 3:53 AM (defecation back @3:59 am with an idea for a savings. account for the world- profit sharing) Yes, tongue in cheek Keep Mischief well Hid While Plain and simple View 10:19 Yes Men are Men But women worse purse strings are the sharper 1020 Do with Love, and Keep the Peace By exercising CARE [Peace, Love, Care] 10:20 The Birth with time will comfort You Self Metering Importance 10:21 Do EVERYTHING IN Rhyme and Spare Not one seeming unimportance 10:23 (turn the page) In Time Things mend Collecting dividends May Seem the smaller Reward Perseverence is to Pay to Receive THE HOARD! God KNOWS and HE IS Pissed!10:23 "FIRE"! 10:23 Using the Devices of The Demons- Usurp Their Vanity for using Demons Weapons to Win will Excite ecstatic GLEE 1025 Now EVERY Man Becomes The Boy AND EVERY Boy A Man Groom yourself AND Sport your Beards! The Pride of Every MAN! 10:25 you must follow 10:26 (turn) Adiniah! Go To the Church Speak to The Great Carpenter! 1027 They will Repent for your Mistreatment! 1027 Bring and offeing's to Share. Anything will Do now NO man shall Disrespect and offer back 10:28 you Must Be Seen! Use Your Smiles I Gifted you.1029 Now you must rest for day you've Not Slept and Weak you are Surely the pains will Bring them self forth Medicine is good But always Remember- the Less is the more. 10:30 PM Now tend Your garden and find your time in your savings with your resting (check on Mother) 10:31 Put Any All Superstituions and ONLY EXERCISE CARE and Quit Smoking Lungs 10:33 (turn) at 10:35 I Scribe to End my transmission here should Banish any and ALL ReProofment HE WILL HEAR these WORDS- WORDS SPOKe to You Now 10:36 "Go- Be Certain That Day! Be Modest as you are with your Pride and Talents Secres away- Keep all things well Hidden from NOW ON. Languages are fear for Communication means to Scare all Men from showing weakness of the Heart for the sensitive are Most Cherished and Will Teach Many People How to Invent their healing's No Need for kneeling bending breaks Plaster lose and Plaster falls Gratitude is the Very Prayer Now Teach this Prayer to All 10:40 PM 12/15/2021 (turn page) Lead with Your words for they are truth- answers you Always will have for THE All Your faithfulness is Genuine as the love of best friends With INSTINCT AS a Dog 10:44 The Church, Great Carpenter- Look with Patience as always find this Man- He is Your FRIEND NOW 10:45 Rumbling- idle Horses outside and the rian's will lay many days but the parched is Now and Spring can wait. There will be no crystals 10:46 EAT 10:47 for you are My Captain Appointed to Tr ain the CREW. Nourish your resting well for days will seem Long until the New, Unrest is building forces with angst. 10:48 Disbelieving will seem the All 10:49 But Patience- Patient you 10:49 Painting well for ME IS SEEN Plainly I AM With You. 10:50/ 4:31 AM Let your canvas dry. 10:50 for Tomorrow comes Early and Early is the Bird. Alive you'll wake singing your song- Making fancy with your words 1051/4:33 For ME THIS Day Well Performed you're Hearing is Good with Word. 1052 You've No time and Fickle are things, I know preference is your perfection- a very heavy burden to beare- you beare well. TRULY YOU ARE A TROOP 1054 Yea- correction is your Best Performance in and Modesty 1055 (And, checking the time and writing, I yawned- the clock checked a second time for measures 10;56) Your Signature of bested Best grip is Rigid firm of inflections 10:57 All become to confusion. Even creatures in THESE times 10:58 Moderation keys for locksmiths made 10:59 So, it's going to be tricky But that is the Given 10:59 pm 12/15/2021- 4:40 AM 12/16 11:00 PM Silence is for tuning as tuning is for hearing Quiet Pines Necessary for Minds of Much sorrow form the sparks. 11:02 You MUST NOW GO. THE Resting heals you more. 11:03(am I getting it wrong I wonder?) Lean on MINE Understanding as 2 instincts Leaves more for critics TRUST IS Most Precious in the Self. 11:05 No Harm Shall come to You. 11:05 This completes my experience this occassion. Time is 4:44 AM 12/16/2021 WOW!

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message given to me.

You sent

Scarlett dodged me for the last time. I'm done. There is no wealth to find. The farm is the past loss not to be regained. The children are lost in their own space. And I am merely what once was and now obsolete to the new World and the unnatural forest, where weapons are now useless before the blood of forefathers. There are only dreams where hope is a garden now poisoned against the self-sufficient outdated by men of distributed goods required by those hypnotized with wants packaged against nature's will. And snow now blankets dumps for a moment cherished by children entertained by Christmas deception- cheeks traded for blows by the sheep sheered once too much and unable to regrow the wool in their old age. Too much beauty too soon is wasted on a fickle society with unopened gifts from holidays passed by, divided too small to regrow roots now poisoned. I'm leaving for a while.


Is everything ok? Where are you going?
A.D. Justice
Who gave you that message?

You sent

offline. It isn't worth it anymore. No one really cares. My kids don't even talk to me. It was for them to start with. It's too late to develop leaders. The world is really done with it's peasants. Cleaning up their capitalist created messes on earth is far less profitable than exploring relocation options to space etc. Antarctica is the last frontier about to be mined and drilled for oil. English speaking people are going to be extinguished in particular. It is racist supremicay invlolving old money and the church. That message was written by me moments ago.

You sent

I am a sensitive. The messages are coming thru me.
You sent
I'm going to learn sign language and disappear underground I think. Enjoy what earthly things I have- my bike, until I die which is going to be soon. i was told.

You sent

china is in bed with russia, the oil that is under the ice will be used for traveling to their mile and a half long city built in space. The governments all have a neutral ground where they play grab ass in antarctica. Australia is going to lose their holding thier in 2048. There is a war coming.

You sent

I will never have the money to buy my heritage and possesions back for a lineage that doens't even care for their wantings and entertainment while they are already dead on paper speculating thier near future. Ignorance is bliss. Ego was the easy distraction to lament like an old dream of childhood fantasy to be the center of mothers attention but poison to my crying heart.

You sent

And I am too old and dependent on societies provisions for self-sufficiency dreamed by a man too stubborn to stay on the mat when he's been knocked down by the demon's blows too large to defeat. Cheekbones bruised by a God wanting ears unopened, now hearing.
You sent
For Love was mine through the discipline ignored due to follly and physical pleasures and wine.
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And now the deck will be filled and word leave trails for those left abandoned- never to hear forgiveness from parents lost and traded.
You sent
The spirits fluid energy infuses my hand- stroke unlike my own to profound to ignore.
You sent
And you, my greatest prise- an accolade cherished while patient for the grave of the body- yet to receive a prize unearthly. Supernatural is the beauty, and dreaming is real, a world untouched by hands of men.


A.D. Justice
Zach I hope you know that you mean alot to me . And I worry about you. I know you started these lives for your children to look back on. I know one day they will cherish them and get to know the beautiful soul you are .

You sent

For somewhere in you is an ear eternal- yet to be sensed and vibrations magnetized by the beauty of a box unsided- Not a box but a space unimagined and unseen by eyes.
You sent
It is time to be silent for the ears that hear have heard and changed hearts.
You sent
The heart I have for love is unending in beatings bringing tears too dry for eyes.
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And magic is all that is left in a garden dying by man's greedy hands.
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Holidays are the distraction to be seen by the children unknowning of fathers and their grimaces hidden by beards.
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Tears toothy grit hidden, and intoxicants are the prize in lifes cracker jack circus.
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And to drink again of a fountain unsavory but the thirst unending for more and never feeling the fill.
You sent
And I am all but too tired for more noise of heads talking for father and mothers buying more of the lies.


A.D. Justice
A.D. unsent a message


A.D. Justice
Your Poetry is so complex it sparks so much emotion. You are a talented man and I appreciate you so much

You sent

thank you AD
You sent
you mean a great deal to me


A.D. Justice
I'm watching your live from today. I'm sorry I missed it.

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No one wants your wisdom until you are gone
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The writnng will be lost or stolen.
You sent
Public domain awaited by capitalists too cheap to give you your pennies.


A.D. Justice
Your blog is a safe spot .

You sent

But life awaits me in a land where travle is thru death itself.


I will always cherish your words
A.D. Justice
You better not leave me . U aren't allowed to die!

You sent

Masturbating the ego hoping eyes will read the paintings created out of desperation to leave a mark unwanted.
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Impotent, powerless but to consume ourselves trying to leave behind algacy cherished by no one in the end.


A.D. Justice
I wish I could word things like you do. I always find it so intriguing when people have the skill and talent to piece together words so eloquent.

You sent

I'm telling you- it's coming from a power greater than myself. I am an instrument where magic is flowing thru me.
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It is otherworldly and intense. it is pouring out of me where the music has left for the moment.
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The songs were given and enjoyed, seeds left behind to maybe take root where nothing was left to grow before.
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my silence has been indicated as my next step- learning sign language and penning what I am given to write.


A.D. Justice
I only know my name in sign language 😆

You sent

And I am only left to guess where I feel like I need a teacher as a sensitive without guidance to find my way, other than the motivations I am feeling that are of spiritual energy. I feel like I am crazy but the bible I have referenced give clear message- illustrating too many things coincidental. Therefore it is wrong of me to doubt what is happening for the sake of the secrets revealed to me to keep guarded, and the promises given to me.

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I never had any reservations of religious nature nor have I been a "god fearing person - per say but I have always chosen Good where the question of God was Kept as not impossible.
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Sufferings endured for the sake of rewards unseen but felt on a horizon enearthly.
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The greatest is to lose a child yet seen in the distance- just as a grave holding my voice with answers in exchange for the tears soaked in the soil where a stone is left to mark the life passed aaway that is my own.


A.D. Justice
What if What you are feeling isn't God but a vale that has been lifted helping your mind body and soul to see things as they really are. I believe that the soul is the most complex thing and this life is just a fraction of what your soul experiences.

You sent

And the ocean is the tears of the fathers and mothers come and gone through the ages- it seems. Cherished as a savored treat for the living fickle and ungrateful of their very sustenance provided by the earth which is the very god unseen.
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I only know that I have written many words all shared thru the years lost chasing a sale denied, and you are the only soul that has ever offered correspondence where I have cried for council.
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Last year Christmas I was gifted review of my book effort that made me cry- thirteen years of begging for reciprocation over tears shared in words.
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And I am only left to wonder if I was ever wise a moment.
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And my oldest daughter wouldn't care If I ruled the world left behind for her inheritance. My greatest burden to bear was the loss of her.


A.D. Justice
Zach some people are so blind to the talents of people that are way to advanced for them to understand. But that's their lost. You have to do what makes you happy and fuxk them. You are a true hidden treasure and I wish people could see you through my eyes

You sent

Well, maybe I will appropriate you to receive what I have to treasure. You can be the secret vault of dog earred notes with coffee rings stained by rushing hands with tremors surging from words the hands are to slow to scribble.
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Maybe I am too romantic for today, and lost dreaming of a time too long passed.
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Artists die unpaid yet treasure for their works by greedy kings of blood long lived.
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Disregarded they are with labels and disorders named by those whom cannot understand their brilliance- DaVinci, Van Gogh
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Philosophy traded and lost in new arguments of profitable means- the ball caps and t-shirts sold to the ignorant too quick to regurgitate the ideas of fools
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And the gardener- satisfies themself with the budding flower that rarely blooms- never to share the view with eyes that will only sell their story secreted to them by Mother nature.
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The hummingbird that visited only you. Your special kiss never spoken.
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The World has stolen us from The Earth.
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And how can people find love in That World- where no one cherishes the very soil that makes up the earth.
You sent
You sent
My secret garden, I share with you mostly- unseen by all yet this secret I should put a voice to and offer it as a last gift.
You sent
yes. That is the next feat, and then I can rest. a video maybe my children will actuallly take a moment for.


A.D. Justice
I feel like I don't have the right words to reply. But I do know that your efforts in what you do will always be in my heart. You have helped me in more ways then you realize. You have been a loyal friend and you have helped me through some dark moments in my life with your lives and friendship. You don't give yourself credit for how great you are.

You sent

Yeah, maybe. Thank my mother.


A.D. Justice

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A.D. Justice
You're live?

You sent


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A.D. Justice
Thank you for your beautiful words ❤ I hope u sleep well 💗

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Ty AD.
You sent
You too


A.D. Justice
Good morning zach ❤ hope u have a wonderful day! I'm off to work

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I did it. I made my final cry to change the world today.

You sent

Much Love A.D.