Friday, December 10, 2021

The Fleet! 12/10/2021

(see video performance of this piece in the youtube link
 When it comes to thoughts, they can be referred to as fleeting. And, fleeting thoughts- it's true..but a Captain's log is afire capturing a fleeting thought or two. Thoughts come in fleets, and flit away if you're without a pen. And as a Captain you must always rise to capture all of them. Thoughts come fleeting, and with a fleet, it depends on you. You just never know when and if the next fleet comes to you.

IDK. I just wrote that. Anyway, thinking about the nations thoughts being lost in the wind on heavily scented wheezes of bong hits. The Farmer Breakfast, where they berated the farmers. Dealing with the public in need of reprimands but having to candy coat them. Capturing people with smiles and a song and dance is good but only goes on to a few. When you toss in an explicitive or seeming insult, they remember a little longer and talk a little more. Word of mouth gets the attention going with the gossip of the fools, duped by television conditioning and programming- mental masturbation of various aspects of the egos sold to the sexes. Yes, the babies they created with television- the ones they take the candy from.

You have to have a variety of personalities to appeal to the variety of fickle foolishness, like men who have the sensitivity and maturity level of children that make it impossible to work at all. They refuse to take direction when it's needed. They cannot be scrutinized in the least. Just man enough to sell dope and tote a gun but not man enough to fall in and accept the authority given- The guy doing the thinking is the one with the game. Intellectual property is the beginning of the command of authority, and the distribution of power to associates prepared to produce the effort to make the end product. That means taking orders. The man with the ideas is the man giving the orders. Communities are built on ideas, and by the labor of those who believe in the ideas but growth and ideas are only the birth of people whom are dis-satisfied with their poverty and standard of living. You can only drain the neighbors for so long before the neighbors leave you in your poverty by moving away from you with their ideas- taking their inspiration and aspirations to a neighborhood where they are welcomed and appreciated by grateful people who care. Greed and selfishness destroy everything. Gardens only produce so much, and feed so many. The gardens are exhausted and the corporate financial focuses shift to other exploits... people, plants, planets, proposals prosperous for few.

Yes, we have been lied to and deceived by those we entrusted for our very security- our retirements. All suckling the life and blood from us, always eroding away at our families- our foundations. The children are now helpless, cast out into a forest their elders no little of. There are no books to offer navigation... but my own offering. And, I am worried- with no where to go to be apart from the conflicts, controversies..., The War. And with no money, and only wares that the programmed cannot understand to appreciate? I await the inevitable but still hold on to faith and hope, and a dream that I can be useful- to help lead those who may follow. Fantasy though, I know. When my own children practically all ignore me, almost entirely?! It grieves me very much, and I'm left without the ability to speak...  and it's christmas.

Strong enough to get through the holidays without drinking? No, I'm not too worried about it but it is a concern. The stress seems to crank up a little higher, every time I Try. Even though, this may very well be the very most difficult year for me to end, in my life. Oh, the horrors I would rather relive... Than to live right now, seeing what I see, and knowing what I know. This Demon force against me is going to be brutal, I just know. Memories of the supernatural violence make my cheekbones ache just thinking about it... anticipation, anxious yet calm. I think I can. I think I can. I've always been that little engine... that thought it could.  

Please Attend My Free Classes of The Great American Makeover!
Yes! I am offering, #asshole101 #americanmakeover.
You Can Thank George Orwell.

Escaping The Despondent Sea is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and is receiving 5 star reviews on  

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