June 15th 2016
To all parties involved in any part, however great or small,
relating to Zachery Scott
Where does one draw a line between a mutiny occurring, and
when as Captain, you are no longer responsible for the expenses of operating, the
vessel and it’s contents, as well as the crew that mutinied, and for the
repercussions of their insubordination?
Jennifer has been my personal assistant and care
provider, officially, since January of 2009. She is or was my Power of
Attorney, Social Security payee, and confidant. She was compensated for 2 to 4
hours of care, cueing, scheduling and attending doctor and profession
appointments, as well as handling the necessary phone calls to manage the many
facets of my case due to my diminished capacity resulting from a T.B.I and
compounded by P.T.S.D.
Since April of 2012, she has refused to allow me to attend
the programs in the community that would aid myself in coping with my issues as
well as my sobriety and the classes and program offered that were part of my
requirements to regain my driver’s/operators license. Yet she has me driving
for her when she doesn’t feel like tending to duties outside of the property.
She has refused to facilitate my gaining my medical
marijuana card to help ease my chronic pain and P.T.S.D.
She has refused to allow me to regain any kind of
employment, although complaining about a need for money constantly.
She refused to work with me at managing our finances even
though I performed all of the clerical duties to help balance out the responsibilities
pertaining to the financial duties of managing our household.
All of the duties and responsibilities and chores, in
general and over all, became mine and mine alone. As a Man and a Father, where
there was no one active participating, to her daughter for a period of eight
years, and acting as the Husband that I wanted to be, and to prove that I was
capable of being those things, I welcomed and took pride in it ALL. And never complained when my back gave out every winter from dealing with firewood alone, sending me to the emergency room each year.
“Siena’s job is going to school,” “My job is going to work,” I was told when protesting the
irresponsibility and the abuse of my labors. My cooking became to be routinely
rejected for the sake of eating out. My efforts became scoffed at and blatantly
abused. My representations of authority and some semblance of order were seen
as totally unnecessary by all involved.
When I complained about the combined $72,000 a year income,
and having not managed it in any way wisely, nor saved in the least, for the
past several years, Jenny met me with opposition and stated that she made good
money and would spend it as she pleased. She resisted until finally falling
into a routine of calling the police to have me forced to leave since she was
not going to confront any issues in the home but for disciplining me for
whatever her whim may be.
After having four nervous breakdowns, and having spent two
episodes in the Community Mental Health’s Crisis Residential Home, I had yet
one more breakdown due to the excessive stress forced upon me to make me leave,
little did I know that was the plan.
Well, I had one last breakdown last June. Siena wanted to
have a friend over for the weekend. Jen shared this with me, and I answered
that I had no problem with it but she has to make her room respectable for
guest to be in. SO, Jen went upstairs with Siena to help guide her in
“cleaning” her room.
After about twenty minutes of throwing things away rather
than caring for them, Jen instructed the child to return to the washing machine
to put some other garments into it. Siena returned to her room and mother with
my buck knife behind her back. When Jenny instructed her again, the child
pulled my knife from behind her back and jabbed at her mother with it.
This was the next day after I returned to the home from
McLaren Hospital in Petoskey, where Jenny works- and my most recent breakdown
caused by the stress of this family that I was so eager, and worked so hard, to
be a part of and die for. Jenny dragged Siena to the truck and drove her to the
Hospital. As luck would have it, Siena and her mother dealt with the exact
persons involved with my treatment there, same bed and everything. How did
Jenny know that? She knew because they all talked about it in detail, which
happens to be a MAJOR HIPPA VIOLATION.
Jenny was referred to The Great Lake TTC Counseling
Services, Derek Johnson 231-487-6076 by the CMH representative at McLaren
Hospital in Petoskey 231-487-4000 but soon became too burdened to take Siena, as
it was not convenient for them.
Shortly after, I was forced, cout of fear for my life, to
remove myself from the home, relocating to Ludington where I volunteered on a
farm resurrection project for David Buskirk- 231-215-3534. The main issue with
the household involving the situation was that Jenny had grounded Siena from
the computer and Internet for one day. I had a fit about the lack of discipline
with this child- a gross lack of discipline and expectations.
Several weeks later Jenny called me asking, “don’t you miss
our bed?” I told her to come and get me without a second thought. When Jen got
to Ludington, I loaded up all of my tools and belonging, including a 1967 Honda
CT90 that I had built, while Siena sat silently in the backseat.
After satisfying Jenny’s needs and desires of sex and
slavery she called the police to have me forced to leave yet again, this time
after I mentioned the issue with Siena and her idea of discipline along with
yet again, a dire need to manage our money to better secure ourselves in life.
The only security I was granted was a potential 2-4 years for manufacturing
five little marijuana plants in my yard- the only thing they could find to
arrest me for- although “Creating a disturbance” was one of the many charges
that they tried to use to keep me from my “home”.
Multiple times Jenny has done this to me- a new tactic to
avoid the confrontations of dealing with our household issues.
Going to Ludington interrupted my medical care with the
Community Mental Health department of Petoskey- the handling of my medications.
My meds soon ran out and the care at the Ludington CMH 231-845-5545 had not
come into fruition- nor would it.
I tried not to rock the boat and to do everything that I
could- just as I had begun doing since I had first moved into Jennifer’s
apartment in Lansing, so that we might arrive at a point where she would be willing
to hear my input and business plan as a partner, parent, husband etc… Money management, child management,
family planning, to address the severe abuse of the Internet, Siena’s school
Nothing would ever come of my patience but for grief and suffering
of every kind. And yet, I was willing to endure anything with my vision forward
of our immediate future as the leader I tried so hard to be.
Jenny only
forced me to leave the home yet again, this time giving me her car to get out
with., which forced me to regain medical services on my own- this time by the
seat of my pants but days later, when my appointment was coming up- one of the
several that I had missed, I tried
to go back to rekindle with Jenny what we had together for so long. She would
not receive me if I had been drinking so I did not but I did buy a couple
beverage items for later that evening if things didn’t work out.
The winds started blowing about thirty miles from the house,
blowing an enormous amount of snow from the treetops, which caused for me to
lose sight of the road and placing me in the ditch. Now I was destroyed. In
just a mat ter of time, the police would be driving by and find me. I was going to jail. All of my tools
were in the car and everything that I valued. Someone drove by but came back
and offered me help only they were moving and had a full vehicle. They
instructed me to sit tight and that they would unload and come back to pick me
I couldn’t call for help because my phone was ruined with
moisture. I soon grew full of despair and gave up completely inside. This was
the last time I could get into the doctor according to the Gaylord CMH office
girl 989-732-7558. I began to sob. After climbing into the back, I opened one
of the beverages and consumed it. I smoked weed and smoked cigarettes. Time
slowly dragged on. I consumed the other beverage and smoked some more, and I
waited, and I waited. Someone drove up and stopped, asking if I needed help or
was okay. I said that I was, only to have them say that they would call 911. I
asked them not to, that I had help coming.
The car wouldn’t be going anywhere but I still needed to get
the CMH in the morning for my meds. This would never happen. After a while
longer, I decided to walk to the nearest house and use the phone. I got out of
the car and reached in to get my bag but slid and fell in the snow, smacking my
face on something hard, I can’t remember what. My nose bled and my head
scrambled. All I could think of was that I needed to get to the phone to call
for assistance but I had only a few people to choose from since my phone was
ruined and all of the numbers were in it.
I just wanted to die. Everything about this family that I wanted and
worked so hard for had destroyed me in almost every way. Why?
I gained control of my Social Security as my own Payee in
Decemeber. Secured a place of residence a well as a job in April of 2016
Now, as Father’s Day comes into view, the last act as the
person that I worked so hard to earn the title and respect as, I will now do my
best to unleash my rage and refusal to accept any further punishment and abuse,
and cause for the reformation of this family before MAJOR Destruction and
Irreversible actions and causes of effects takes place.
Drew has revealed to his mother that he is smoking dope-now
that he has the money from his grandfather’s killing- money that his mother
allowed him to have even though she wouldn’t let him take the stand to state
his love and affection for his grandfather due to his immaturity. Along with
the fact of his severe video game and computer addiction, and extremely poor
health- pissing all over the bathroom as a result of it.
Siena is an Internet and video game addict who is already
complaining about not having, and needing, drugs due to her exhaustion from
lack of sleep relative to Internet abuse. Also having been exposed to
pornography because of the Internet use. AND quite possibly has been molested
by another child. Stating to her mother that she likes girls, after spending an
excessive amount of time with a child molestation victim. As well as protesting the
responsibility of being female- only to be entertained in that capacity by
Jenny with a trip to Denmark in the coming Fall- with her grandfather’s killing
The entire home and the contents, including major
technological items, have been destroyed by the dogs due to the Internet abuse
and avoidance of the demand for responsibility. My denture/partial allowed to
be destroyed by the dogs roughhousing in the house while everyone is on the Internet
and video games.
Now I await the papers saying that I will once again be sued
because of the madness.
I want Jennifer to share in all of the costs and
inconveniences of the cases against me, if not the total costs and expenses to
be paid by her. And in some instance I would like to be granted clemency or a
pardon or something of that nature.
It would be too late when I finally learned that Jenny has
destroyed her marriage due to gambling and Internet abuse. How stupid could I
have been? I thought that spending the money on eHarmony would give me the
happiness and family that I sought so hard for, that I tried so hard to survive
to find.
And now, once again, I am writing my story so that my
children will know the truth of how hard their father struggled to get back
into their lives- written so that when I die, that they may discover the truth
and shed tears of joy knowing how much I had endured to find them again.
When this story is complete I can then be rewarded with my
new life upon my death.
“Escaping The Despondent Sea,” a true story of one man’s struggle
to live again.
Written by Zachery Scott Polk aka “MadPatKiderm” Sea Captain
School records support my claims. Lansing, Mesick, Boyne
Falls, Concorde Academy.
Subpoenas to be served to CMH Gaylord ACT Team- especially
Sue Peety, CMH Petoskey ACT Team, Amy Theil Adult Protective services DHS,
Child Protective Services, Scott Hughes, Larry MacIver, Siena’s teachers from
all schools. Jennifer, and a whole bunch of other people yet to be
named that I have yet to recall by-way of my notes and journals and nightmares
that may help to resurface them to my conscious.
I have many bank statements and a very many files to support
my claims. There is a digital footprint of Siena, Drew, and Jennifer, as well as
myself, that is available somewhere, somehow. I have Siena’s laptop computer
that she stepped on or threw in a violent fit of rage that contains her browser
history. She has a twitter account since 9 years old.
I want all digital communication items, computers, ipads,
cell phones court ordered to be surrendered for examination from Jenny, her
children, and her co-workers to be searched for relative content per my claims.
I want HIPPA violations served. I want adult abuse charges
filed. I want vandalism charges filed against Drew Vincent Rodriguez for the
destruction of my laptop and all of the valuable non-replaceable files that
were destroyed along with it.
I want to speak to an attorney about these claims, and I
want to speak to a journalist from the newspaper.
I want recipient rights violations filed against CMH for
seemingly supporting Jenny and ignoring my claims, and for the fact of my
having severe P.T.S.D. and their printing some aspect of cannabis abuse in my
medical records to prevent me, or to condone it’s use- my right to receive this
access to this alternative form of medicinal treatment which works very well
for me.
And above all I want parenting rights granted to Siena Ramona
It goes without saying that I am very angry about every
detail of this travesty that I have been given to deal with. This is a war, and
I will fight it to the end. I am done giving to receive my less. And I will not
allow this to go on and absorb the just deserves of another person ever again.
I went to school to learn how to use the media, and contrary
to my personality disorder specified in my medical and social security award
ordered, I am working at working with the public as a multimedia publisher. My
efforts are all over the web and the world, beginning in the spring of 2008 Twitter.com/@bandanabro and I could not be more serious.
Thank you for your time, support, assistance and advocacy.
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Thank you for reading my stories!
Happy Fathers Day!