Julie gave Jen the storage keys, managing to win the job of moving our furniture from Lancaster to Toledo. Two guys and a truck. Julie say's they are doing it for half what they normally charge. All I see is two idiots and a conniver trying to keep hands on Julie's money. My senses told me they will have to make two trips instead of one but I may be wrong. And I don't know if they are the type to let work unsupervised. I'm sick to my stomach over it, when we should call who moved it there so they might catalogue the damage they did when they moved it.
Either way, we still need to buy a fridge and stove for 1417 Lebanon street in Toledo
Now, in the morning, we will make a run to the new place to unload the van, and park the bike. Then back to the motor home to take it to the farm, unload it into the van, and then back to the new place. Should've made the run with the bike tonight but Julie had to have a phone, so we went to Walmart on the Bike to get one. Now it's 12:06 almost 07 a.m.
I'm mentally exhausted, and sick to my stomach with anxiety and much conviction over what the truth is about the damages to our planet done by us- by consumerism, capitalism, and television programming. At times I feel totally in awe and fear of God's wrath for what has become of man and planet. Having grieved and confessed and worshiped and studied for several months, I feel more in tune with my spirit and senses. Prophetic visions and confirmations I have had that assure me, as well as the spirit gliding past my own face and raises the hairs on my body, often in waves of pulsation. It is very powerful.
June 6- 6/6/06 It's 8:18 pm as I enter this log.
We are finally settled in a bit at the new house in Toledo. I am so exhausted that I hallucinated that a cabinet was missing! I have only one green utility cabinet for the garage that I bought for ten bucks. Today I thought I had two, and that one was missing... yeah.
I'm stuck on this issue with Nielsen's and I can't let it go. Nielsen was, and has always been, a spy FOR the sponsors. The sponsors are owned by investors. They buy and sell each other all the time. Nielsen's was always spying on us, starting with industrial data gathering, and then by examining dog food, alcohol and drug sales. Nielsen's gathers the survey data and develops specialized tactics to manipulate sales and then sells that info to corporations pushing products and services. Nielsen's is a Trojan Horse that we voluntarily allowed into our homes with the magic of television, hurling us into this technical age we have now.
Now everyone has a junk filled home, and we pay real money for communications that only further the destruction. Everyone has become programmed in a variety of ways. We have been molested into doing much of the data entry- even for our doctor visits.
In 1979/80 the state police came in to show us what drugs were, informing us that they were in the streets if you looked... Then in the mid eighties they "advertised" crack cocaine by-way of the local news- right at our coming-of-age. Later, at the commercial break, they advertised free human services and assistance if you were a Kent County resident. A short time after, they tried to increase the county jail size but couldn't find anyone who would put in a bid. Out-of-state laborers ended up building it. They also started broadcasting television around the clock. And, cable tv networks were offering services to certain areas. They did this in key locations and let US spread the virus through our networks we developed, and continue developing.
Mental health issues started popping up in the media in the very early nineties- about ten years after going around the clock with viewer services. Oh, and the Internet... How lovely, everyone thought, when they got AOL service. We were persuaded that we needed to have e-mail, which was only another open door for pushers, and to turn our computer into a "cash cow".
The pager became lame, and everyone was programmed to buy a cell phone that they could barely operate- only to be sold newer and newer phones that they still could barely use. And it's funny how the Motorola Brand looks Just Like two Klans men...
Which brings me to the fine print. We spend so much time reading fine print and owners manuals, we elected Biden? No. We do not read the print and agreements. We just grab the item from the packaging and peck away.
No one really reads... which takes us to the landfills. All of that packaging and textile goods, and ink! No wonder we can't afford ink refills- we are competing with corporate demands which is why the rices are so high. Ever since they grabbed the babies from the baby boomers, who were convinced into discarding "home-made" ideas from their elders, the Beast ran rampant- shoving everything that can be bought and sold in our face. Even space! The best ever to sell the public because as long as they were staring (spaced out) into the regions of space, very few would take notice of the landfills piling up everywhere. And almost everyone I see around me is helpless and hypnotized by egos and emotions that are bought and sold every minute. The beast is the media drive and sponsors bleeding the masses for profits- profits being taken by foreigners and old money. And, remember all of the drugs around in the construction trades? It was intentional. Many of us- (all of my associates) had constant and easy access to drugs. And let's not forget about alcohol. In west Michigan the liquor stores are all over the place- many now owned by foreigners...
Now the ocean is all but destroyed with drugs and solid waste. Much of the ocean forests are dying off. Coral, sponge- all the delicate life that keeps it in balance... It may be out of balance forever, now that we've defiled it all the ways that we have. 8:50 pm 6/6/06 I'll get back tomorrow.
11:21 am Just finished editing previous entry. 6/7/22
Now, what we have is essentially the entire earth as a store. Every household and individual is like stock. And that stock IS being monitored and tracked.
In December, I identified The Beast. Right after I made public mention online, I was targeted by enforcement. They came to my home to lock me up, which they did. After spending 33 days in the Ohio Hospital for Psychiatrics, I was released but only after a court hearing. They are trying to discredit my findings by labeling me a schizophrenic.
All of this is the product of Nielsen's developing as a cattle herder MOSTLY byway of adapting Hitler's plan. We took in all of his men we could, employing them in the private sector which is what Nielsen's and all the corporations (starting with Petrochemicals and Big Pharma). They employed Hitler's work in America. The Big Lie is very real. The problem I have is, almost everyone is now ignorant to The Beast and it's pups. Anyone between 52 and over was warned in schools. Our teachers at Coopersville High school tried to warn us. They said people would become to be like frogs in a pot of water set to boil- no one will realize it until it's too late. And all spectators will only watch in wonder, without a clue.
The school systems tried to set us up to accept it with the Paper Shortage propaganda. And then video games started coming out. Mr. Rodgers warned us about that too. And they flooded the public with drugs, and all of the wonderful holiday celebrations. Yeah, we loved keg parties. Thank Goodness and God that I managed to get sober. Going on 16 months.
Every one of us wanted to be on TV and/or Radio. It was the best idea we or I, could think of to get the attention from my parents I felt I was missing. All of our parents were at the circus, and us kids did everything we could do to join- as spectators or performers. Little did we know, they only used Elvis and the Beatles etc... as hypnotic devices to mesmerize us and fuel sales of everything they could think. Mass producing guitars for instance, which, come to think of it- they never offered any luthier jobs. Oh well, there's so many details. And, try to remember, they have all the dirt they need to discredit anyone, they are INSIDE our homes. And now you can buy either a penis or a vagina? I need reciprocation.
The Zombie Apocalypse is Real. The problem is, almost everyone is a zombie. The only way to tell who is NOT a zombie is by seeing who does NOT want to be on the grid. No cell phones, no internet, no television. All electronics MUST accept interference per FCC regulations Part 15.
Big Brother Is Watching You. They're watching you, everything you watch, all your internet activity. He's the reason we think we can't find love and happiness. No packaging needed. Hell, they may have a special closed circuit among them, watching us in our lives just like the Jim Cary movie, the Truman Show. The organism gives itself away if you pay attention. They show us bits of the truth in the movies...if you pay attention.
I may have finally found that reciprocation from a guy investigating school shootings that I just met.
Escaping The Despondent Sea is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and is receiving 5 star reviews on Goodreads.com
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