Friday, February 1, 2019

It's A Brand New Day!

Hi everyone. I'm just sitting here, in my grow room, thinking!
 I am very excited about book2 of Escaping the Despondent Sea! 
I am so excited, I can hardly stand it! I, simply, must share some of it with you.

Without having to read the whole book,
this simplifies a great deal out of it.

This piece is hot from the pot of brain stew,
that I have simmering. I just added a pound of marijuana leaves to it,
 in place of spinach. So, let's have a snort,
and see what's what.

Feel free to let me know when I am full of shit.
I can take it.

This may not be so easily read on a smart phone, I don't know, but
if someone really wanted to hear what I have to say,
they will find a way. I mean, China's eating rice 
on the dark side of the Moon right Now!
And, they're doing it with the money that they got from us,
in order for us to have things to fill the holes and hills 
that we make in the Earth. Not to mention,
what we are feeding to the ladies in Wales,
I mean, to the Whales- and the oceans.

We have a serious problem. Correction, we have some serious problems,
here in America, especially. The most important issues that we have to deal with is, the poisoning of our children's minds. It is bad enough, that we are inundated with product placement consisting of subliminal messages, subliminal symbolism, subliminal sexism, and suggestion- all very powerful, and part of the results of the mind control experimentation that has been the subject of debate by too few. Mind control experiments did not end in the sixties, it merely took on a different name- much like slavery, which remains to go on in many forms to this day. Wake Up.

Since the development of computer technology, along with it having been made into a consumable product (commodity), we have let down our guard, where it comes to protecting our children, and managing our time as constituents, to become educated properly as to participate in the further development of our home foundations, communities, and, Our Nation.

Internet abuse is an extremely important issue. It's used as the new babysitter, costing parents very little MONEY, compared to child care expenses, and the “things” babysitters expose our children to.
Furthering the issue is, Gaming, so-called. Games are all fine and dandy. Same as alcohol or particular drugs, when used by persons whom have been well raised, encouraged to read books and to spend time doing some sort of hobby, or the chores it takes to have a functioning farm or household, and have had the proper amount of nurturing, consisting of the appropriate amount of love and affection. People can then be wise enough to choose, or resist, for the sake of their own existentialism, which happens to be ideology- fostered into a child's mind the very first moment it can begin.

Have I... articulated well enough?

Lot's of people have a fantasy of going to Las Vegas, for instance, to win some quick, life changing Money, that they think will make them Happy, Happy, and Rich. What they do not realize is, that they are already rich. 

Happy, and, Wealthy, are both States of Mind. And, the pursuit of these things most often cause only misery. Think about that, as you “game” for hours at a time, while your daughter struggles with maturity, and your son becomes further misled, as to what a Man is, or is not. 

I have dedicated the rest of my Life 
to sharing what I feel is Important, 
especially since I refuse to spend my
alone time, watching the big game.
That has gone on long enough.
It's a
(that is a link)
Sincerely, Zachery Scott Polk
Prospect Studio
The Bluesilingus People
Google it.

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Happy Fathers Day!