Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 Be silent to learn the language of signs. The sheep are frightened always by the Trojan horses in their lives. Drawn are they into salience and rhythm blind to the antigen of a smiling agent to a host of greedy men awaiting the indebted who will all inherit the mountains of their debris. 

I had a Vision of ticks on the 12th of May. The next morning I began finding them. The first was between the chair and cooler, on the concrete to the rear of the chair. It was discovered while straightening up, cleaning. I noticed it as I picked up a cigarette butt that it was upon. Then, later that day I found two more, this time on the dogs fur. One I found while feeling it crawling up my calve, one high on my rear just below my belt, which is still irritated many days later. All in all, 9 so far. The last one was three days ago- Julie woke up to it crawling on her face. 

So, in December I had a powerful experience, to say the least. The words and conversations given  and shared with others came at the height of some discoveries made while investigating what began October 8th, 2021 with the Nielsen's TV survey letter bribing children. Nielsen's and media broadcasting are the Trojan horse that conceals the deviance used by corporations that are negatively impacting the mental health of society. And they are all represented by the MRC- all household names. There's so much more, like who owns what, etc... Which takes us to Dutch ownership and English speaking people being targeted.

And then I did a numerology test for my buddy George Orwell, the day after God Spoke to me and made me scribe, to discover that 1984= 1A 9I 8H 4D AIHD=1984

Much of what was described in this book is factual reality today.

The relativity between this fact, and Nielsen's Ratings is epic. We allowed "them" into our private homes with the devices they offered us. And much of society lives their reality based upon much of what they see and hear on TV. Mind control is real, and being used by everyone with something to sell, like rivalry.

It's like society has become a carnival that doesn't end. And anyone who's been a Carney knows, you can only hide the garbage for so long, which took me to the investigation of our landfills, and landfills around the world- oh dear Jehovah what have they done!?

Khatmandu is now referred to as "Trashmandu," and the Ukraine has an explosive landfill crisis. I'd hate to be one of the guys desperately trying to clean up after the war. They may turn the whole place into a landfill. 
Landfill after landfill- look at the one in California! biggest in the country.
California Landfill Crisis
 And China? Oh, they don't want to help recycle anymore.
Watch little kids working the trash.

This one features coastal focus and is very informative.

All of these studies came together in December. The Spirit was with me for days but on the 13th while in bed, it spoke. I was watching "It's A Wonderful Life" at the time, and was motivated to grab my pad and pen to record everything I could for my proof. There was fanfare and light. It was a celebration. It felt very much like I was being wedded and an energy filled me even more intense than it had been. My gal lay sleeping next to me the entire time. After scribing the words I was given the name to be The Song of Zackery

Having remained awake all night, I set to entering what had happened in my journals here, and then proceeded to contact a very close few friends-  Timothy        Loren 
And, finally, A.D. though in two parts for some reason. I'm no pro, I'm desperate to record and share the accounts A.D. pt 1      A.D. pt 2

And, as commanded, I have remained silent for a while, as commanded in order to better hear. "You must leave the world behind to begin the journey" "an ear that does not listen once will not listen twice"
These are a few of the words given to me.

So now I am filled with a great fear of the lord and I have heard his anger. Television and landfills are related. We have all been deceived for profit while the words of the prophets are not profitable. Just like recycling plastic, for instance.
So I am sickened with grief over what capitalists have done. Now, to search out a paradise in space is the very impossibility the lifestyle of this society will never gain. All the while, in the vast desert of space... The Earth is The Paradise Lost.

And I sit, feeling useless, worthless, imprisoned by circumstance and unable to do anything but comfort my mate while we await desperately for an improbability to grace us with a good place to live. In the meantime, we thought "hey, lets buy a used motor home and live out the season while we wait for the right place to open up".  Well, before you do that, call the campgrounds. Now, the parks are all booked up, and the ones that are available have a "ten years or newer" age restriction. The lot that was available was 1000 plus electric etc but was only available for a month. We've got six acres not far from the motel we are staying at but that put Julie more than an 2 and half hours driving every day. AND the well needs the be repaired to begin even considering it, which is a whole other disastrous barrel of monkey pox.
I study my bible daily, and pray constantly with selflessness. I feel like Jonah, in the belly of the whale. At least we can put the motor home back up for sale an get our money back... to someone who wants a 1983 Pace Arrow.
So, I've been silent from the Mad Zack Show on Facebook, mostly I think it was a supernatural motivation in order to diffuse the "Schizophrenic" connotations that have been thrown at me to discredit my findings and claims.  
Speaking of claims, my health insurance sent me a letter regarding the billing for Ohio Psychiatrics Hospital, asking questions. I think my religious persecution and defamation claims can be filed. 
You see, after finding out what I found out, and the messages from God, I had some epiphanies to which I ran to my neighbor to come see. It was 10:30 am, and he answered the door after having been sleeping. He wouldn't cooperate and frustrated me in my excitement so, I ran to who I thought was the woman of the house next door. In my haste I failed to recognize it was her daughter whom I startled. Anthony then re-approached me and I repeated to him to come see. I stated " This is so serious, I am even willing to threaten self harm"  which was an idle threat but he freaked out and called the police.

I begged and pleaded with the police to come see but they also refused. I actually got on my hands and knees and started praying with tears streaming down my face, begging for a sign be given to them but all denied. Also denied being believers- 7 of them total.
They coaxed me into going to the hospital where I was to be monitored for 72 hours. I asked all along the way, if they were believers, and all denied but one young nurse. I reached out to pray with her for a joyous Christmas with her family. They had draped me in linen as Jesus or a prophet and mocked me. 

Finally, they brought me a request for a cup of coffee but I am certain that it was drugged.

Left in the room, they badgered me and taunted me with lullaby songs over the speaker several times. I kept hearing God speaking. And I spoke back, At one point I began praying to God for forgiveness of all man has done, praising the creatures and nature and all the goodness I have found in it. I begged and pleaded, yet asked not one thing for myself. And then the people came in to take me away in an ambulance.

I ended up at the psychiatrics hospital, where I stayed for 33 days trying to get myself out. The Doctor, whom was very rude with me, kept insisting that I am Schizophrenic.

At one point right after Christmas, I got very sick. I felt as though I was beaten from head to toe. I sneezed a couple times and had a little gas that stunk up the entire wing. For two days I begged to be seen by a nurse. On the third day, they tested me and found out I had covid. They moved me to another wing where a few other who tested positive were also moved. The room I was kept confined to had no warm water or soap. I was there 9 days before I was finally given some form of soap. Three days later I was finally let go.

The entire time I was there, I was motivated to write. I had a very important file given to Joel Anger. He was supposed to mail it to me, for fear it would be destroyed. I never got it back.

While I was there, the arguing doctor would bring me documents. These documents were most entirely falsified. The police report was dated and timed the time I was knocking on the neighbors door to talk. It said they were going to discreatly come and sneak me out with a pink slip. They knew about my discoveries because I was all over the internet with everything. 

There was a lawyer involved that went to court to fight for my release. He and I discussed this detail. I know I have a case to file a monumental lawsuit! The very best part about it is, it's for God.

Aside from the family troubles grieving us, things are okay. And since counting my blessings I am feeling a little better about myself. Hopefully we do The Memorial Day Anniversary Show and kick off a new season of the Crazy ol Mad Zack Show. I would like to apologize to everyone for not being around but social media has been one of my fastings. Soon I will have another broadcast environment prepared to continue sharing and helping support my friends and family. Although Cody and Scarlet are lost searching for something that has been hidden from them by lies and misunderstandings, what I have to share awaits them in many forms. And though Sarah and I speak on occassion, this disruption to my stability is relative to my confidence to share with her. And the sting that is always there is the regret of my inability to awaken from the hypnosis of unhappiness that has seemed to destroy to very relationships I fantasized about all my life before the destruction.

Escaping The Despondent Sea is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, and is receiving 5 star reviews on Goodreads.com 

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