Saturday, April 6, 2019


How many of us are trying to live, to share, and to love?
Some of us are without any family, having been so divided and seperated from our FOUNDATIONS, that we cannot assume an existence anymore, Now, we are so contaminated and poisoned that even our mother countries would not want us. We are doomed, as Americans. I am wanting safety, and security...but I cannot find anywhere  to place my trust.
At this very moment, I feel like Vladimir Putin is more of a World Father figure than anyone. I have no guidance. I am lost. I am scared and afraid. I am afraid for my children. I am afraid for the destruction of my bloodline, my heritage.  We are being abused by our own people, entities we depend on, our system... the people we fucking pay. No one cares. Why am I alone?..... Oh, I remember. … Because I am standing up for what is right.
I see you, France, reading my stories, I am proud of that. Are you laughing at me? I don't care. I am proud just the same. No one ever comments. I see you Portugal. I see you, Russia. I see you Netherlands, Greece, Romania... I see all of you... unknown country. Probably china, or korea. I see you. over 36,000 readers around the world. I see and maintain my interest in you. My stories are for everyone to learn from. They are self effacing. I am not trying to say how great of a guy I am. I dont know where I rate, and I don't care. It is about giving to our children, and building our family foundations, our communities. I am trying to express how much I love you all. I am trying to support women who need a man in their life. I am trying to be a KING. I am doing this for you all. It's for you... Not me. I have  nothing.

Peace, Love, Care.

Come See Me. You might find something special... Though imperfect as I am.
Zachery Scott Polk.

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