Sunday, December 10, 2017

"What An Adventure" part 1 Just now updated...#THRILLER

Well, after working in Ludington on a pot farm, and performing a list of impossibilities (as documented in previous twitter posts)- I pulled free from the clutches of a man mad with his own disorders. Being that he is HIV positive, and recovering from morphine use, he is mad at the world. He has a habit of "cock-blocking" anyone over the least of their wants. Let's rewind a bit...

After becoming established with the local communtiy mental health agency, in Ludington, Michigan, the Psychiatrist ordered a blood draw. When I returned to the next appointment she questioned me, as to why there were amphetamines in my bloodstream. Come to find out, Dave was drugging me to get more work out of me. Out of the blue, he began to offer me food for lunch- putting cocaine in my food. She placed me on devalproex or something like that, saying that I am bipolar- whatever. 

I am a pretty good detective, having taken inventory of his home, searching for clues as to his habits and associations- finding tooter straws in various places, for instance. He was also connected to the KKK. AND, he held a Political seat, (City Council), running every election in order to be re-elected. He never cleaned his house- ever, ad was online searching for women with HIV, to entrap in his existence but could not find one since he had no money that he was willing to part with. And he never paid me a dime for over $30,000 dollars in labors. Five pounds of weed would have been nice since he had garbage bags full of it that was going bad due to the fact that he couldn't sell it. Lonnie was one of his local distributors- later getting busted for selling coke to the cops multiple times. Dave quickly severed communications with him. Lonnie went on to roll over on everyone he could to get out of it. Even Harley Davidson stepped in and took his bike back0 it';s in the contract.

Having me on the farm was a convenience to him- keeping the pot safe since "everyone" stole from him. Truth was that he stole all that he could from everyone else, especially me. When Dave was going to "put me up" I was under the impression that I would be staying in his pig stye- ending up cleaning his house for him. Whatever.

When I arrived there, the first task was to replace the oil pan gasket on a Chevy 2500 HD- a 93% (I did it without a manual) failure rate. After documenting the repair on Twitter, he decided to re-roof his dilapidated, much neglected house in town- just a block away from his mother and father (whom happened to be a preacher for 50 years), where he religiously ate meals. Luckily for me, I was invited to dinner too, sometimes. Dave bled his parents for money every chance he got, preying on their love for him and his HIV case. Yeah, there's supposed to be another paragraph for that change but I don't care right now. These are more like notes for the real story. 

When Dave offered me food, it was rotted chicken from his fridge that his mommy bought him- on sale. He didn't cook a thing. He is so cheap that he goes to Home Depot for free coffee- rather than making it at home. Anyone who knows Home Depot knows that their coffee is terrible. Besides that, the gas it takes to run around, he could have \had better coffee, as well as saved money, by getting it at the store. There was a package of rotting chicken in the back of the Chevy that I repaired when I got there. Just for fun, I left it there to see how long it would remain. I ended up getting rids of it due to the fact that I couldn't stand it any longer.

There was a house next door to the farm that Dave wanted to buy. It was up for auction. He was so greedy, he wanted everything for himself in life, to store up and let rot- keeping it from anyone else who might have interest in it.

There was a few acoustic guitars that he took in trade for weed from desperate people. He knew I was interested in them- one of them but he refused me to have iot even though it was barely worth the fifty dollars he traded for it. There's much more.

To keep it short, I pulled out and went to Beaverton, Michigan, with the intentions of seeking refuge at a friend's house in order to help him through the winter. Jeff has had numerous stints, as well as open heart surgery. 
After moving all of my belongings from a storage facility to his home, I find out that he has dementia. He became violent, threatening to hit me one night while discussing my medical needs. I became to live in great fear. He had already explained that he was going to kill his exgirlfriend's man- had the bead on him and was about to pull the trigger. I was afraid to do anything at all. 
I became to be so fear filled that I could not prepare food, do laundry, or go out to the wood stove if he was asleep ( afraid the dogs would bark and disturb him). 
My probation requirements were to report for drug testing twice a month- which I had to have him drive me. I was afraid to ask him to take me. My medical needs were not met because I was afraid to ask him to take me to where I needed to be. Everything I needed put him out, even though he knew I had needs that needed to be met. 
My mental health care lapsed and meds ran out. The stress went through the roof. 

He was asked if he would be interested in skinning and quartering deer for deer season, which he initially stated to the head of the butcher shop that he was interested. When I learned that he had the deer job I sensed that there was another position for me, processing deer at the butcher shop. I had Jeff take me there to secure the position. Jeff claimed credit for "getting me the job". Okay, fine. Whatever. Immediately, I began working as the deer poured in. Instantly I went to the top of the cutters, having been processing wild game all of my life.
 The job only paid me 9 bucks ( haha) an hour but I was thankful and worked as long as I could each day- sometimes working until the store closed at 8 p.m.

The heads of my department quickly became close to me- providing me with transportation to and from work each day. I really had no idea how good I was doing. What alarmed me was going home and having visions of carving the flesh from the faces of those I associated with, while relaxing and talking to them.
 Six weeks or so later I had earned 1500 dollars. As the job slowed down to less than 6 deer a day I saw my end and prepared to do something about moving out so, I called a girlfriend of mine to drive me to a new opportunity. What amazes me is that I didn't think to call Dennis sooner- like way before the many nightmares that I found myself subjected to. One of those was a near murder of myself! 
My, so-called close friend, Larry, tried to kill me with a beer can full of battery acid over the four thousand dollars I had in my pocket! He handed me the can, saying, "This must be your beer". I took the can. It felt very warm. I put it to my lips and let a small amount splash into my mouth. As the substance surfaced my tongue I knew it was acid but that was just before it splashed my throat.

Anyway, my friend, "Tresha" drives a Ford Explorer that her family gave her after her father passed away. It was the least they could do for her. She jumped in it and came to me within an instant. Once we got on the road I noticed a rumble in the front end that told me a wheel bearing was gone. We got as far a St. John's when it blew apart. We barely got it off the highway. I got out and looked, and sure enough, the tire was sideways. We climbed into the vehicle to escape the cold. A few minutes later a truck pulled up next to us. The driver came running over saying that the truck was on fire. I jumped out and looked and sure enough, the brake caliper was burning where it was able. The truck driver handed me a bottle of diet coke, and I dowsed out the flames.

Tresha got on the phone and called State Farm. They dispatched a tow truck that cost me $295. It flat-bedded the truck 92 miles to where I was going. Luckily we rented a hotel room for the night before, so we wouldn't have to drive in the dark, which was good considering the wheel bearing and cv axle! The parts tallied- one cv axle 70 bucks. One brake caliper and a set of pads, 100 bucks. One 32 millimeter socket and a 3/8 to half inch adapter- 20 bucks. One quart of brake fluid, 7 bucks. And, last but not least, a wheel bearing 109 bucks. Thanks O'Rielly's Auto Parts.
Luckily, for me, Dennis has a big barn and a bunch of tools. Coincidentally, Tresha's dad also had a tool box in the truck that nearly had what we needed- aside from a breaker bar. I improvised with a bottle jack to crack some hard to break bolts. Five hours later, and two trips to the parts store, I had her fixed and back on the road. But, that's not to overlook starting off at Dennis's house with a problem. I have no idea how he really felt about it, and little did I know at the time, he was just setting me up. We will get into that. 

We got up the next day, (Sunday), and sent Tresha on her way home. After that we went back into the barn and built a cement form for a fire-pit made out of air-crete- a total failure to which he never revisited to try again- expecting me to sort out the details for him!

So, I have a new place to live, and a job. The only problem I now have is smoothing over my probation officer so she does not violate me. I was on probation until June- remember the probation for growing pot when my Jenny protested my own protest of grounding her daughter for one day from the internet over pulling a knife on her mom regarding cleaning her bedroom? Yeah. I can't make this stuff up. There's more but that's enough drama for now- almost. This is the best part of it so far...
Dennis, at one point, tried to convince me into going to stay with a friend of his in Mexico thayt he was sending money too- a grand a t a time. I never took the bait. He also convinced me into putting my money in one of his safes full of weapons- giving me the combo, and trying to feign off knowing the combo in order to build up my security.  This was after his teenage son stole some weed from my room. My feeling is, he was hopping for me to get wrapped up with the police again, where he could claim the money for himself. 
After he repeatedly destroyed my trust in him, I removed my money (10,000) from the safe and hid it in my room again. Later on I decided to start cleaning my room out in anticipation of moving out (not wanting his wife to deal with anything but an immaculate room). What I found under the mattress... Well. I had looked under the mattress when I had took occupancy of this upstairs bedroom, overlooking the deck and river channel. There was no porn, drugs, or weapons. NOW, there was a Tuarus, laser sighted, compact revolver- fully loaded with very destructive bullets. These were the ones known as, "Cop Killers". There were five. The evidence is on my phone since I had researched the entire thing when I found it. I immediately put it right back until I could understand what was going on here.
That's enough drama for now. I don't want to ruin it. It will all be in my book, "Escaping The Despondent Sea"- that is, if I don't die of a stress related heart attack or kill myself, which I think about a lot.

  Watch out for people who prey on your love and emotions that only want to use you up for everything they can take. "I Love You" is often a tool.There have been several attempts on my Life, from people who have stated this. Its all going to be in this book.

The first of the police reports have been filed, and NAMI has been alerted. Now, with the help of the media from these cases- the advertisements have already been paid for. How's that for promotion- turning bad situations into Gold.

You [sons a bitches], who did these atrocities to me, are going to regret it for the rest of your miserable lives. People who meet me never forget me. I will be the first thing you think about when you wake. And I will be the last thing you think about when you go to sleep. You robbed me of my children, my business, my family- and everything I have ever tried to do. Now it's my game. Sue me. You cannot take money from someone you already gleaned.
And this is only Part 1- there are three parts, and a fourth to come.

God grant me the serenity to survive this stuff.

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