Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Wrong Girl

Hindsight's always crisp and clear,
and we can learn so very much-
why do we become forgetful
when we meet someone we want to touch?

My dire desire for
love is like

a magnet on cassette tape,
destroying everything recorded,

leaving only bits,


rearranging all you're use to hearing,
silencing the best parts

memory clearing,

your empty lonely heart is fearing,

never having someone to share with,
someone's hand to hold and care with,

and to warm each others souls,

spark plus tender tinder, equals glow,
to feel completion, and feel whole,

passing on together what we know,

so that the World, can have it too,
in fairness...

when we're gone they'll all know that,

we were as far as you can get,
from "I could care less"-

That is how I want to go-

Don't want my stone 
to need the message that say's,
"I loved you... with my heart in Whole".

Peace, Love, Care- Zachery Scott Polk 4/2/2016

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