It's been a little more than a year since I was given the idea of carrier pigeons. And, it wasn't until a few days ago that it finally made sense why.
My thought was that, since hearing the voice and being given the words, and after reviewing my development from the past two years it seemed obvious that I have become a preacher. Well, that made me consider going for a bachelor's degree in Biblical and Theological studies.
The fact is that going to a Christian University would isolate me as a Christian, reducing my efforts by choosing sides. And, going to school for a degree is part of the Capitalist's game. I am not working to get on a payroll as a sell-out.
My spirit has been influencing me in many ways. One of the things that I recognized is, trying to continue selling my work would be a huge mistake- especially since NOT selling my work is the key. For one thing, it would be totally "blasphemous" to try selling my work while speaking about my work irradicating a serious wrongdoing to man and earth. The truth is, just like people who become elected, doing my good works of faith will be what makes people want to take notice of my various works.
It would be selfish of me to concern myself with selling my wares. What I am doing is much bigger, with greater rewards. And, one of the rewards may very well be that my work becomes known far and wide. It's a hope but not what's most important.
So, there I was enrolling into college and filing for student loans. They wanted my criminal history and an essay regarding every detail- in order to beg them for a chance...
A huge negative energy storm engulfed me, like a Jeckyl and Hyde effect. It was intense.
Carrier Pigeons were still on my mind so, I took a break from kissing rears to research getting a few of these birds.
When I pulled them up on the internet, passenger pigeons came up at the top of the search and revealed something that shook me to my core. They are extinct.
The passenger pigeon became extinct, officially, in 1890. And, on September 1, 1914 Martha was the very last one to die. She was in a zoo near me, in Cleveland Ohio. They were hoping to find a mate but did not.
The reason why they became extinct was due to man. Between feeding the "free" food to the slaves, making a commercial/profitable commodity to the masses, deforestation destroying their habitats, and man's inconsideration of the balance of nature, these birds were completely irradicated.
Even to this day, Capitalists are still fighting the pigeons in general by releasing the peregrine falcons. All due to the destruction of natural habitats for wildlife.
The issue today is, the cities have bred people ignorant of nature, while the naturalists are grossly outnumbered- the country boys are becoming the outlaws in the eyes of the cities and those that prey on their needs for survival.
The battle today has become the battle for food, food that nature also requires.
As long as alcohol and drugs are dumped in society, the demand for food will be kept hidden a little while longer... No one eats when they are serving their addictions. That's a huge clue.
So, between my discoveries regarding the psychological control Nielsen's has been developing and selling to corporations in order to stimulate their sales- around the world, the huge revelations centered around the passenger pigeons, AND the divine communications that I have experienced with the greater consciousness, my tasks are undeniable and seemingly impossible.
My situation is very much the same as Uhtred of Bebbinburg in The Last Kingdom, and I am Him.
Today I am going to receive Ariel and Haniel- my Archangels in physical form as Archangel Pigeons. There will be a total of 8 in my flock but the Archangels are a pair! They are almost a year old, which means they will be breeding this year- hopefully.
As for the bachelor's degree- I've already got a few of those that Capitalists refuse to give me credit for. They're called equivalancies (when they want you on the payroll as a source of their profits).
I am not going for a job when I already have been given one. That job is taking control of the "corporation" with the very words they have been destroying by making the masses impotent through the media fostered into the cities- A new dictation that supports life, not just man's life.
Soon, there will be no wood for campfires, smoking meats, woodworking.
Soon, there will be no fish. Just as the trout died off when they cut down the trees, exposing the streams and rivers to the sun- increasing the temperature... So the ocean warms. The plastics are creating a solar panel on the ocean surface that amplifies the sun's intensity.
Soon, our soil will be so depleted that we will (and may be already) totally dependent on chemical fertilizers to grow with- coming from Russia.
In the meantime, consumer manipulation has created consumption rates three times the rate for the past 50-60 years which has created landfills beyond comprehension.
We throw 33% of our food away- food that is not being composted but is being converted into fuel by energy giants capitalizing on the profitability.
Soon, the landfills will be recognized as a valuable source of resources- plastics, wood, metals and compost.
When that happens, these same capitalists will take control of those resources to capitalize on cheap labor to resource the very waste they influenced the masses to create. Keep in mind, making us corporations has effectively shifted the blame for the pollution onto the masses, redistributing the expense to everyone.
Three times the consumption means three times the (diesel) fuel was consumed, while our oil reserves are empty now.
Three times the consumption means three times the packaging, three times the plastic- all oil and textile based. Textiles come from natural fibers- Nature.
In 1964 The Media Ratings Council was becoming a dangerous threat- a monopoly fueled by "Forbidden Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" from Nielsen's.
Nielsen's Media Group has also been researching manipulating the masses through their religious beliefs.
It is my belief (99% certain) that John F. Kennedy was assassinated due to his plans to dictate to these organizations.
It is NO LONGER We The People, it is now "We The Corporations," and now The Constitution is on the chopping block.