Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Pebble- Carrier Pigeons's Blues Improv/ Mad Zack Radio

Many Famous People, for thousands of years, have been given miraculous information- mathematical equations, inventions... DaVinci, Tesla, Noah, Ezekiel- Prophets! And many, many more have heard the voice of God- only to be dismissed as crazy with labels. Nature has been speaking for the spirits that cannot heal the deafness of the masses, hypnotized by greed and blinded to the truth while advertisements have given plague to the Almanac. 
Starvation and Sickness is Our Future Where Resources Have Been Exhausted. 
#carrierpigeonsblues Improv 20:20

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

True Lies


Synopsis of America: American Capitalism and Financial demands of our Government manipulates society byway of the media and regulations dictating the education system, housing, human services, as well as community events that stimulate the economy and fuel the financiers.

Advertising practices and television programming uses psychological manipulation that influences the consumers.
Rivalry between brands, academics and sports shapes the minds of the people.
Propaganda is used to dissuade and misinform constituents, allowing corporate corruption taking over our officials.
Drugs are used to gerrymander districts in combination with welfare programs and jobs offered.
The red scare was a tool to divide the people from having strength to control government.
Workforce is increased by reasoning that cities have problems which opens doors for funding and more jobs- police, rehab centers and medical.
Landfills overflow due to advertising practices and consumer manipulation.
Racism is felt to be crucial due to economic issues, fueled by special interest groups and financial corruption.
Everyone gets dumber and more helpless.
Industrial impacts reveal themselves in the weather, eventually leading to world suffering and starvation.
All due to mind control practices used to stimulate the economy and create more capitalism

Monday, November 14, 2022

Plant Life- Plant Love

 The morning begins it's beautiful

dream fragments and a line

jotted down without a thought

seed germinates the mind

another word falls on the leaf

without resistance it will grow

into a pregnant metaphoric

bough shading emptiness below

branching roots and syllables

tendrils another line

sentences continue on

as growth forms another vine

a harvest yields and is admired

more fruit comes into hue

a pining grapevine riddling words

just to say I love you.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Opportunity Blues Improv- Mad Zack Radio

This is very serious, and it involves the entire world. 
This may be the New World Order- Corporate Tyranny.